
Amity University has one of the best BBA LLB Hons colleges in MP

Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh - India

2022-03-09 14:04:48

Contact Info:
Amity University

Phone Number: 08349994630

Website URL: https://www.amity.edu/gwalior/bba-llb-hons

Description: Amity University has one of the best BBA LLB Hons colleges in MP. They offer courses in many subjects, in engineering, management, IT and other fields. Amity University inculcates in its system the best of practices, theories, resources, and standards from the very best of global education. Every program structure here is dynamic as well as semester-based and that always remains up to date to suit the current industry requirements by integrating the traditional syllabus with global trends across disciplines. Add-Maharajpura (Opposite Airport) Gwalior – 474005 (Madhya Pradesh) Visit us: https://www.amity.edu/gwalior/bba-llb-hons

  • https://tuffclassified.com/amity-university-has-one-of-the-best-bba-llb-hons-colleges-in-mp_1879955