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Premium Walnut Face Scrub at an Unbelievable Price

Plot No. 698, Sector 82, SAS Nagar Mohali, 160055, Punjab, India
Mohali, Punjab - India

2022-03-02 14:34:05

Contact Info:
The Beauty Sailor
Plot No. 698, Sector 82, SAS Nagar Mohali, 160055, Punjab, India

Phone Number: 8725080908

Website URL: https://www.thebeautysailor.com/products/walnut-coffee-coconut-face-scrub

Description: Get the Beauty Sailor’s Premium Coffee and Walnut face scrub with infused walnut beads at just 999. Made with the rough and tough walnut beads and freshness of coconut oil, this amazing exfoliation solution defeats acne and black heads in no time ! The Beauty Sailor's Walnut, Coffee and Coconut face scrub is a great exfoliant and Detanning scrub for any skin type and is recommended by many as well. The fine and subtle aroma of coffee and the vital contents of this premium face scrub is the answer to all types of topical skin problems. Get superb results and premium skincare only by The Beauty Sailor.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/premium-walnut-face-scrub-at-an-unbelievable-price_1874156