
89000.00 ₹
VO Visas British Columbia invites 243 in latest PNP draws

South Delhi, Delhi - India

2021-12-27 17:13:57

Contact Info:
VO Visas

Phone Number: 011 4011 3161

Website URL: https://www.vovisas.com

Description: The BC PNP is designed to attract foreign workers in high demand and who want to become permanent residents British Columbia invited 243 immigration candidates through Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draws held on December 21. The province held two draws through the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) and invited candidates from the Skills Immigration (SI) and Express Entry BC (EEBC) streams. Invitations were issued to those from the Skilled Worker, International Graduate as well as Entry Level and Semi-Skilled sub-categories of SI and EEBC streams.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/vo-visas-british-columbia-invites-243-in-latest-pnp-draws_1835279