
The best BTech college in Rajasthan is at Jaipur National University

Jaipur, Rajasthan - India

2021-12-23 14:43:18

Contact Info:
JNU Jaipur

Phone Number: +91 141 7197070

Website URL: https://www.jnujaipur.ac.in/school-of-engineering-technology

Description: Jaipur National University has the best BTech college in Rajasthan named The School of Engineering & Technology. This college governs the courses offered in the field of Engineering as well as Technology. They offer graduate and postgraduate programs in different fields of engineering. The curriculum of all the courses offered here ensures that the students are driven towards the research-informed education system where the main emphasis lays in practical training. Refer to our website to know more about the course offered here. Address: Jaipur-Agra Bypass, near New RTO office, Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 Email: info@jnujaipur.ac.in admissions@jnujaipur.ac.in Phone: +91 141 7197070, +91 8306100404 Website: https://www.jnujaipur.ac.in/school-of-engineering-technology

  • https://tuffclassified.com/the-best-btech-college-in-rajasthan-is-at-jaipur-national-university_1832410