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ACP Sheets Manufacturer in India

Kolkata, West Bengal - India

2021-12-15 16:40:43

Contact Info:
Vijay Raj

Phone Number: 18003133770

Website URL: https://vivaacp.com/manufacturing-unit/

Description: ACP sheets are a cutting-edge material that's used for constructing front exteriors (facades) and internal architectural cladding or partitions, false ceilings, signage, modular kitchens, machine coverings, container construction, etc. It is available in a wide range of colours and textures like wood, stone, sand, 3D, etc. ACP sheet material has a long life span because it can be easily bent, folded, and mixed into shapes that other materials cannot achieve. This is a major reason why many interior designers and architects prefer and cherish these designs during any construction project. Viva’s ACP sheets are weatherproof, stain-resistant, and highly durable. If you want to buy ACP sheets then contact Viva.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/acp-sheets-manufacturer-in-india_1826312