
20000.00 ₹
We Need Content Writing Job Seekers from Delhi InfiG Content Hub

New Delhi, Delhi - India

2021-10-29 12:06:53

Contact Info:
Gautham K S

Phone Number: 98461 81872

Website URL: https://infigcontenthub.com/content-writing-jobs-in-delhi/

Description: As a professional content writing firm in India, we have created content for a wide range of needs for customers from various business sectors, each with its own content strategy and goals. We are obviously looking for skilled writers to join our team. Send your resume to "careers.infig@gmail.com" if you are searching for freelance content writing jobs in Kolkata , India. Ideal applicants must be able to develop a range of content pieces based on the needs of the company and its clientele. Candidates with outstanding writing abilities and the ability to generate write-ups with a sales and promotional flair are encouraged to apply for a content writing position with InfiG in Kochi. The ability to do research for content creation ideas and work with little supervision is desired. Candidates with experience in content editing and copywriting will be given preference. The pay will be among the highest in the business. Visit Our Site and Place your form. You Don't Need to Call https://infigcontenthub.com/content-writing-jobs-in-delhi/

  • https://tuffclassified.com/we-need-content-writing-job-seekers-from-delhi-infig-content-hub_1797415