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Online coding classes for kids

L13-02 , Tower 2 , Wangsa 118, Jalan Wangsa Delima, Wangsa Maju, 53300, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Chennai, Tamil Nadu - India

2021-09-04 12:49:42

Contact Info:
Robotic Online Classes Diyalabs
L13-02 , Tower 2 , Wangsa 118, Jalan Wangsa Delima, Wangsa Maju, 53300, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Phone Number: 183880375

Website URL: https://www.diyalabs.my/coding-courses.html

Description: Online coding classes for kids is actually a spectacular way to let them gain knowledge while also making sure they enjoy themselves and remain engaged in the lesson. Of course, an online coding course today is far more than what online courses used to be. Now we have brand new learning tools for children. These tools help them grasp the basics of coding from activities that are fun and game-like. When this technology is coupled with a caring and knowledgeable mentor it creates the perfect environment for a child to learn at amazing speeds. Today, most reputable learning platforms understand the need for a parent to know the process of an online course. To that end, parents and children will be offered a free demo session with no strings attached to see if the platform is right for their child.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/online-coding-classes-for-kids_1770473