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Domestic water conditioner suppliers for Dishwashers in mahabubnagar

mahesh nagar
Mahbubnagar, Andhra Pradesh - India

2021-08-17 10:22:34

Contact Info:
Alkara water
mahesh nagar

Phone Number: 9399906356

Website URL: www.alkara.in

Description: Alkara is well-known 28 years Experience Company. We have supplied to high profile Domestic & Commercial segments leading Builders, Hotels, Resorts, Apartments, and Villas & Homes. Alkara Soft Water Conditioner! Simple and Natural Solution for residential Hard Water Problems! Alkara Makes your hard Water Soft and Clean without Salt and Chemicals! Gives you River Feel Water. Super Five of Alkara! Prevents and Removes Lime Scale from dishwasher and heaters. Gives sparkle clean to your Bowles and utensils. leads to Fast Water Heating, Saves Electricity. Extends Life of dish washer and Heaters Prevents repairs ,reduces maintenance and services costs. Compact, Easy to install. For Details: Website: www.alkara.in Contact No: 9399906356

  • https://tuffclassified.com/domestic-water-conditioner-suppliers-for-dishwashers-in-mahabubnagar_1759788