
Android has 47 times more Malware than iPhone’s iOS, says Apple CEO Tim Cook

Surat, Gujarat - India

2021-08-06 16:43:13

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Website URL: https://isurti.com/android-has-47-times-more-malware-than-iphones-ios-says-apple-ceo-tim-cook/

Description: During an interview at an event where Apple CEO Tim Cook was talking about privacy and cybersecurity, he revealed that Android had 47 times more malware than iOS. We have been witnessing a cut throat rivalry between iOS and Android since long. Considering the smartphones in context of privacy, Apple has been acing in being the safest in terms of privacy and even cyber-attacks. Android on the other side being quite flexible in nature, doesn’t avail the same results as that of its rival. The Apple CEO Cook, in a virtual interview at the VivaTech conference, focused on a variety of topics that are changing the scenario of smartphone usability — privacy, company values, regulations etc. When talking about iOS and Android, he informed that Android has 47 times more malware than iOS.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/android-has-47-times-more-malware-than-iphones-ios-says-apple-ceo-tim-cook_1754042