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Being Your Own Life’s Lifeguard: Invest in Yourself

Gurgaon, Haryana - India

2021-07-13 13:23:35

Contact Info:
Christine Monk

Website URL: https://xmonks.com/being-your-own-lifes-lifeguard-invest-in-yourself/

Description: We are responsible for choices that we make, and so does for the way we turn our lives around. Taking ownership is something that is sometimes lost in the fog of time. Read this conversation with John Livesay on the xMonks Drive Podcast, where he talked about his time as a lifeguard and how he applied the lessons he learned to become a more effective selling and storytelling.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/being-your-own-lifes-lifeguard-invest-in-yourself_1736490