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Skin Lightening Treatment in Bangalore

32, 1st floor, (Above HDFC Bank), 1st Main Koramangala 1st block
Bangalore, Karnataka - India

2021-06-07 17:08:32

Contact Info:
Kanika Kumari
32, 1st floor, (Above HDFC Bank), 1st Main Koramangala 1st block

Phone Number: +91 9901162088

Website URL: https://www.drdixitcosmeticdermatology.com/laser-toning/

Description: Microdermabrasion is the best skin brightening technique that stimulates the formation of new skin and imparts a youthful glow on the skin. The treatment addresses many skin problems like dull skin, tanned skin, whiteheads, blackheads, open pores, acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation and offer overall skin rejuvenation. The treatment uses an instrument and crystals that gently exfoliate the uppermost layer of skin and assist in the safe removal of dead skin cells. The process removes the lifeless, damaged, and dull-looking skin and makes the skin smooth, glowing and radiant. The treatment is safe as the skin is rejuvenated just using pressure and crystals. Multiple passes of microdermabrasion must be performed until optimum results are seen. To know more about microdermabrasion skin-lightening treatment in Bangalore, make a visit to Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/skin-lightening-treatment-in-bangalore_1712079