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Animal healthcare products Manufacturers in India

Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh - India

2021-05-31 09:50:26

Contact Info:
International Health Care Limited

Phone Number: 08143411777

Website URL: https://internationalhealthcare.in/

Description: An Animal Health Product Manufacturers organization in India is increasing the expectations of creature wellbeing since 2006. Extraordinary compared to other Animal drug organizations in Vijayawada, AP Moored in the metropolitan city of Vijayawada, International Health Care, one of the most dependable Animal Medicine Manufacturers in India, owes its development not exclusively to Dr. PamulapatiVenkataSeshaiah's dynamic authority, yet additionally to the business mastery and joint efforts it has gotten in heritage from PVS Group, which is engaged with assembling and sending out of creature medical care items for over 25 years. The gathering's drive for development and new item stages brought about the arrangement of International Health Care in 2006 which has its own committed assembling units that incorporate Drug plans office, feed enhancements and disinfectants creation set-up. website: https://internationalhealthcare.in/

  • https://tuffclassified.com/animal-healthcare-products-manufacturers-in-india_1707350