
2000.00 ₹
Visit the Best Resort in Rishikesh for Couple | 8868095873 | Couple Friendly

Gattu Ghat, Neelkanth Temple Rd, Taliyal Gaon, Rishikesh Uttarakhand 249304
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand - India

2021-07-27 14:18:46

Contact Info:
Junglelore Camp Resort and Retreat
Gattu Ghat, Neelkanth Temple Rd, Taliyal Gaon, Rishikesh Uttarakhand 249304

Phone Number: 08868095873

Website URL: https://www.junglelorecamps.com/

Description: Visit the best resort in Rishikesh for a couple, families & friends at a budget price including meals and fun games, and more. The resort is an open garden, resembles peace & serenity. It has beautiful cottages covered with mountains. Contact for booking 8868095873, 9811395878, 0120-4370337 https://www.junglelorecamps.com/

  • https://tuffclassified.com/visit-the-best-resort-in-rishikesh-for-couple-8868095873-couple-friendly_1685168