
75000.00 ₹
Scope in doing MBA course from DBGI

Dehradun, Uttarakhand - India

2021-04-06 12:31:05

Contact Info:
vicky joshi

Phone Number: 01352694241

Website URL: https://dbgidoon.ac.in/dev-bhoomi-school-of-business-management/

Description: The MBA program at Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions, offers three important specializations, namely MBA-Finance, MBA-Human Resource (HR), and MBA Marketing. The program concentrates on the overall growth of the people as it aims at developing a solid niche for plans that can be applied to real-world business globally. DBGI, one of the best MBA colleges in Uttarakhand, is dedicated to affording unique education which is the perfect amalgamation of incisive-edge research, academic knowledge base, and industry-oriented exposure that serves in getting familiar with the real-time corporate scenario. Website: https://dbgidoon.ac.in/dev-bhoomi-school-of-business-management/

  • https://tuffclassified.com/scope-in-doing-mba-course-from-dbgi_1670716